• From naming, branding, to market — we introduced the first data services network in Latin America

— CX.1

With an end-to-end one-partner solution that proves integrated brand experiences are here to stay

The Data Industry is a messy one

There are too many companies in Brazil that do parts of the whole. Still, no one offers a definitive solution, which brings a considerable cost to those operating everything.

The market needs a unifying player, and we are set out to be that in Brazil and worldwide

Whoever has portability, security, know-how, streamlined client experience, consultancy, and governance in one place first will become an instant leader and reference for everything that comes later.

CX.1 is An independent platform part of B3, LATAM's biggest Stock Exchange company

The product works as an ecosystem capable of housing diverse solutions of data, applications, and services (capabilities) to solve real business problems.

It is aimed at all audiences, from technicians to laypeople, in the data-driven journey

The idea is that the hub is the meeting point for those who need to use data for any purpose and want to find efficient solutions delivered in an organized manner.

Our goal was to position CX.1 as the most complete and reliable destination for data services — a new standard in the industry


Aside from positioning, we were tasked to help with product design and its name, branding, and GTM strategy

The People Behind

  • Chief Creative Officer
    Flavio Vidigal
  • Director Of Agency Operations
    Etienne Du Jardim
  • Associate Design Director
    Rafael Fernandes
  • Senior Creative / Copywriter
    Otávio Mastrogiuseppe
  • Senior Art Director
    Marcelo Coelho

  • Director Of Content & Production
    Andre Holzmeister
  • Integrated Producer
    Bruno Tristão
  • Managing Director
    Pedro Vidigal
  • 3D Artist
    Leandro Beltran
  • 2D/3D Artist Composer
    Leandro Spaletta
  • Houdini Artist
    Alexandre Canario
  • Houdini Artist
    Gabriel Marcondes
  • Sound Design
    Audio Boutique

Selected Works


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